It's not for human consumption but is it art? If you take a strip of bacon and twist one end through 180 degrees then join the two ends you get a piece of bacon with only one side, a Bacon Möbius strip. Cool. But if you want such a thing to adorn your desk (and who wouldn’t?) then being made of real bacon would be, to say the least, a bad idea. So, to memorialize this mathematical and culinary wonder, why not print a look-alike on a 3D printer? Why not indeed? This exactly is what a designer with the handle “joabaldwin” created using the Shapeways 3D printing service. Need one for your desk? It’s 3.346″ w x 3.024″ d x 1.399″ h (the precision is awesome) and it’s just $19 … SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER From our editors straight to your inbox Get started by entering your email address below. Please enter a valid email address Subscribe