
  • United States
by Eugene Grygo

Andersen Consulting rebrands itself Accenture

Jan 02, 20011 min
Data Center

With the New Year comes a new name for Andersen Consulting, the New York-based firm that will now be known as Accenture.

The re-branded organization is intended to better reflect the “network of businesses” that provide “consulting, technology, outsourcing, alliances, and venture capital,” said Joe W. Forehand, managing partner and CEO of Accenture, which has begun an offline and online advertising campaign across 46 countries to promote its new identity among clients, employees, and potential recruits. The allied businesses number more than 100.

Forehand was named to his current position on Nov. 1, 1999, and has served as the managing partner for the firm’s communications and high technology market unit, officials said.

Accenture will provide consulting services ranging from high-level strategic planning to improved customer service to day-to-day operations, according to the company. The firm offers specialized consulting for CRM (customer relationship management), supply-chain management, and finance and performance management. The renamed firm also offers outsourcing, in particular via the emerging Internet-based subscription model.

The Accenture umbrella also includes Andersen’s venture capital business, operating companies, and alliances.

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