In another of its big digital book bundles, Humble Bundle has just partnered with No Starch Press and come into the ring with a round of digital books focused on Python. Whether you jump in for four books for $1 or grab all ten for $15 or more, this is a good deal and it includes some of the best Python books available. And this offer will be available for nearly two weeks. Here are some details: The set of books includes for $1 or more … Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Doing Math with Python Teach Your Kids to Code No Starch Sample For $8 or more, you also get … Gray Hat Python Python Playground Python for Kids For $15 or more, you also get … Black Hat Python Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python Python Crash Course Having read and reviewed many of these books myself, I can say that they are excellent resources for learning this important scripting language — and they provide some surprisingly fun ways to go about picking up some serious Python skills. As with all of its Humble Bundle promotions, you get to choose how much of your purchase price goes to the publisher (in this case, No Starch Press), Humble Bundle, and the selected non-profit (the Python Software Foundation). This bundle will end on April 19th. Check out the bundle at here. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER From our editors straight to your inbox Get started by entering your email address below. Please enter a valid email address Subscribe