Zscaler is putting its own AI to work, protecting against emerging cyber threats and helping organizations embrace the potential of AI, without compromising security.
The nefarious trend of seeking to influence voters and undermine the legitimacy of election results will doubtlessly continue and intensify.
AI will certainly be used by attackers to improve the quality of their strikes, but there are proactive measures we can take today to scale our defenses. Help is here.
AI has blurred the line between authentic and fraudulent content, making it more challenging to discern phishing schemes from legitimate web pages and digital communication.
As the number of high-profile security vulnerabilities associated with VPNs continues to rise, businesses should anticipate a corresponding rise in security incidents related to VPNs.
Elevating cloud security: Navigating the data storm with DSPM
Organizations need a proven platform for zero trust. But before we dive into why that is the case, we must first answer two important questions.
Yesterday’s solutions are today’s problems.
Zero trust leaves the weaknesses of perimeter-based, network-centric, firewall-and-VPN architectures in the past.
Enterprises share real-world success stories in the new frontier of zero trust.
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