Look for genuine value when under pressure to implement hyped technologies such as AI-driven network automation, private 5G, open networking and zero trust.
Using generative AI technology for network operations issues can yield results that sound credible but are actually completely wrong.
The deployment model of vendor-centric equipment cannot sustain this exponential growth in traffic.
IoT devices are generally designed to handle specific tasks. Robots need to react to unexpected conditions that their developer may not have anticipated. AI and machine learning help robots deal with such situations.
Business Wi-Fi has grown in importance, and an AI-based operational model is needed to keep up with increasing demands.
With complex new computing workloads becoming the norm, and Moore's Law approaching its limit, it's time to rethink how we create computer processors.
AI and machine learning solutions are beginning to surface as major successes against DDoS attacks and more specifically against the application DDoS world.
The leaves may change color, but the roots are the same. Are you ready for AI-based DDoS attacks?
Given the invasion of new data now hitting enterprise access networks, machine learning and AI couldn't be more welcome technologies for taking the pressure of network managers to do more with less.
AI replaces manual WiFi management tasks with automated intelligence and provides deep insight that helps identify and fix problems faster than ever before.