Enterprise Storage | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Legacy spinning media will live alongside SSDs with the new non-volatile memory express 2.0 protocol that addresses the needs of HDDs.
The company is offering its products and capabilities as services in hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Young storage companies are innovating products that range from storage arrays to mainframe storage management to cloud storage and more.
Windows Admin Center is a free tool accessible via browser that can make remote management more convenient, efficient, and secure.
Dell Apex consumption-based storage, server, and hyperconverged services are designed to enable cloud-like pricing and deployment flexibility in on-premises environments.
IBM adds higher capacity and software-defined storage systems for deployment on-premises and in the cloud.
Post-pandemic plans for disaster recovery and business continuity will need to reflect new business realities.
Avoid paying off ransomware attackers by following these steps to ensure backups can restore infected systems.
For maximum storage performance, NVMe/TCP marks the next step forward in SSD networking.
With backing from Nvidia and Intel, startup Pliops is working to make data-center storage more efficient.
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