In this Linux tip, learn how to use the OR (||) operator that provides a useful functionality in scripts. But, first, to demonstrate how this operator works, we’ll run a couple simple commands on the command line.
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the chage command. The name stands for “change age” and allows Linux admins to manipulate aging settings for user accounts – when passwords will must be changed or accounts will expire.
With more of us connecting with our healthcare providers virtually during the coronavirus pandemic, hackers may find it more appealing to attack medical or hospital systems. Increased amounts of data due to telemedicine and medical internet of things...
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the mv (move) command. It allows you to rename files, move files to other places in the file system or do both of those things at the same time.
When remote-access VPNs are heavily used, traffic to and from the internet can tax the corporate internet connection as well as the security measures. That's where split tunneling comes in. Split tunneling is when only the traffic destined for resour...
How to use the script command to capture a series of commands that you run along with any output that they generate. This be helpful when you are documenting a process or testing a series of commands.
There is no evidence that 5G poses health risks or dangers to humans, but that hasn’t stopped people from circulating conspiracies about 5G’s unproven link to the coronavirus pandemic. Juliet explains why 5G poses no known health risks to the pub...
Edge computing is what it sounds like: computing that takes place at the edge of corporate networks, with “the edge” being defined as the place where end devices access the rest of the network – things like phones, laptops, industrial robots, a...
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at xz command. It’s a relatively new command for compressing and decompressing files and works a lot like zip and bzip2. With xz, compressed files will take on the extension “xz”.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. recently approved some wireless spectrum within the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi 6 use. This will nearly quintuple the existing Wi-Fi 6 spectrum. The version of Wi-Fi that will take advantage of this spe...
With the adoption of 5G, carriers may offer some higher-paying customers more bandwidth than others on the same physical network infrastructure. Principal analyst and president of J. Gold Associates, Jack Gold, talks with Juliet about what network sl...
The at command allows you to schedule tasks to run at some other time – whether later that same day or way in the future. It allows you to schedule simple commands or complex scripts to run when you need them to run. Unlike the cron command, at is ...
The coronavirus pandemic forced IT teams around the world to adapt to serving an almost entirely remote workforce. But once we all return to work in an office, those lessons shouldn’t be forgotten. Jack Gold, president and principal analyst at J. G...
The convert command allows you to manipulate image files on the command line and has a LOT of options. We’ll just look at a few of the many kinds of changes you can make.
With IT and security teams stressed due to the COVID-19 crisis, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’ve prepared your network for a disaster.
The tac command displays text files “upside-down” — the last lines show up first and the first last. If you ever need to invert a file, you’ll find this quick and easy command ready to make the task easy.
In this Linux tip, learn to use the ln command, which can create either type of link on Linux systems.
Due to concerns around the coronavirus and COVID-19, you might be working from home. We are too! On today’s first remote episode of Today in Tech, Juliet discusses if your home Wi-Fi network will be able to handle a huge spike in videoconferencing,...
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the pwd (present working directory) command, which can tell you where in the file system you are currently located.
Enterprises have taken steps to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, from mandatory quarantines to factory closures. Big tech companies have canceled events and shows, sometimes opting to hold online-only streamed events. And amid sup...
In this Linux tip, learn how to use tabs for autocompletion. This practice means that you don’t have to type complete file names or even complete commands – and you’ll probably avoid some typos in the process.
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the umask command. You can use it to set the default permissions for files that you create.
The conversation is all about customers as hosts Martha Heller, CEO of Heller Search Associates, and Tim Scannell, Director of Strategic Content for the CIO Executive Council, talk with Vijay Sankaran, CIO at TD Ameritrade, and Steve Betts, SVP & CIO...
IDG Enterprise Editor in Chief Eric Knorr talks with George Kurian, CEO at NetApp, about its strategic relationship with Google, which will combine advancements in computing and data management for the companies' joint customers.
Learn the ins and outs of Microsoft's upcoming private cloud offering, Azure Stack, as editors discuss its expected benefits and drawbacks.
New home Wi-Fi routers have some impressive advanced features to help boost speed, range and capacity. Network World Lab Alliance member David Newman explains how beamforming and MU-MIMO technologies work in the latest Wi-Fi routers.
This week we give you the number one reason everyone needs a 5K monitor chats with the IT leadership of the Boston Red Sox, who faced the unique challenge of deploying Wi-Fi without disturbing the original structure of the oldest ballpark in Major League Baseball. The new initiative is part of an ongoing effort t...
At the recent Red Hat Summit, Red Hat CEO James Whitehurst talks with Network World about new IT processes and why companies should focus on open source.
Network World's Jonathan Gold checks out some of the latest wearable devices at the Wearable Tech Expo in New York.
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