Virtualization | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
The choice facing hyperconverged-infrastructure shoppers is simple: an integrated HCI appliance from a single vendor, or hardware-agnostic hyperconvergence software. It's making the final decision that's difficult.
SDN and virtualization are driving a shift from hardware-based application delivery controllers toward a microservices model that enables more flexible ADC licensing options
The latest version of Windows Server has reached general availability, so subscribers who haven’t already given it a test drive should check out new security, redundancy, management and SDN features.
With new momentum and Intel reeling, AMD is targeting virtualization upgrades.
Layer 2 networks: what you learn from watch and learn.
Project Dimension (edge computing), Project Magna (AI) and Project Concord (enterprise blockchain) were all previewed at VMworld
With the end of support for Windows Server 2008 coming in January 2020 and SQL Server 2008 in July 2019, Microsoft is offering customers three years of extended support for the platforms if they migrate the workloads to its Azure cloud services.
Between its hyperconverged servers and desktop as a service, Nutanix hopes to cover both ends of the network.
Server virtualization can help fight server sprawl, make better use of compute power, curb energy bills, and improve data-center agility and flexibility.
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