Networking | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Here’s what you need to know about the networking giant’s latest product and company news.
American and European companies are making progress on solving fundamental quantum networking technical challenges
Think of 2025 as a transition year as networking players put their efforts into finding new applications with solid business benefits that warrant, and can fund, a network transformation.
Version 2.1 of Linux Foundation's open-source L3AF project promises seamless network management across cloud and enterprise.
A network-as-a-service offering typically includes integrated hardware, software and licenses delivered in a subscription-based platform. NaaS providers include hardware vendors, telcos, cloud providers, muticloud vendors, and WAN-transport carriers.
Transport-layer security is more effective than its predecessor SSL, and its latest version - TLS 1.3 - improves both privacy and performance.
An antitrust lawsuit filed by the DOJ poses an obstacle to HPE’s proposed acquisition of Juniper, but the vendors say they plan to vigorously defend the transaction.
DOJ cited reduced competition in the wireless market as the biggest problem with the proposed $14 billion sale of Juniper Networks to Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The vendors say they plan to “vigorously defend the transaction in court.”
Opengear survey reveals high investment costs, regulatory compliance, and lack of skills as obstacles to successful AI implementations.
Cisco’s Outshift group envisions standards-based, shared infrastructure components that enable quantum-safe, agent-to-agent communications.
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